Start 2010-04-15T16:44:29 ActivePerl-1200 CPAN-1.9402
Brenntag platser Brenntag
Add to Watchlist What is StandardsWatch? This Standard has been added (VS) - Vicat softening point of 106 C in accordance with ASTM D1525. (X) - All colors except natural. NOTE - Material designation may be followed by a color nomenclature consisting of either an alpha/numeric or numeric/alpha combination. ANSI/UL 94 small-scale test data does not pertain to building materials, furnishings and related contents. 20 Mar 2019 DIN 53 438.
3170. 3278. 3268. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 3787, 3788, 3789, 3790, 3791, 3792, 3793, 3794, 3795, 3796, 3797, 3798 94, XCC1406TR10R, CODIFICADOR INCREMENTAL D40, 228.85 €, C, 1 227, XCCRX10, CABLE 10 CONDUCTORES UL C, 868.93 €, C, 1 229, XCDR2102P20, IDP Metal rearme ISO 20 Pulsador c r, 36.24 €, B, 1 2764, XS506BLNAL2, DETECTOR INDUCTIVO L6 12-24 V, 36.47 €, C 3795, XUB5BPANM12, Det. V-tab är miljöcertifierade enligt ISO 14001:2004, kvalitetscertifierade enligt s ! ra ts re tsa ve ul Le l.
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UL-registration for all colours and a thickness more than 1.5 mm as UL 94 HB, temperature index UL 746 B electrical 110 °C, mechanical 90 °C. Burning rate ISO 3795 and FMVSS 302 < 75 mm/min for a thickness more than 1 mm. Ranges of applications: automotive engineering, precision engineering, electric and electronical industry, domestic Melting Temperature 10°C/min ISO 11357-1/-3 °C 260 Heat Deflection Temperature 1.80 MPa ISO 75/2Af °C 66 Heat Deflection Temperature 0.45 MPa ISO 75/2Bf °C 175 FLAMMABILITY PROPERTIES Flammability 0.8mm UL 94 class HB Automotive Interior Flammability 3mm ISO 3795 mm/min <100 Testing device DIN EN ISO 9239-1; Testing device Spread of Flame ISO 5658-2; Testing device Spread of Flame ISO 5658-2 / IMO A 653(16) Testing device BKK – EN ISO 11925-2 | DIN 4102-1 B2 Vicat Softening Temperature 50°C/h 50N ISO 306 °C 245 Coeff. of Linear Therm.
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No.1136.03) 02/03/2021 Page 1 of 7 SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION TO ISO/IEC 17025:2017 CHEMITOX, INC. YAMANASHI TESTING CENTER 18349 Egusa, Sutama-cho D5132-20 Standard Test Method for Horizontal Burning Rate of Polymeric Materials Used in Occupant Compartments of Motor Vehicles carbon dioxide content~ carbonate content~ coulometric titration~ gas-sensing electrodes~ natural water~ Testlopedia - The Plastics Testing Encyclopedia. Intertek’s expertise provides your business with the data it needs to meet ASTM and ISO standards for quality and assessment of plastics and polymeric materials including composites, elastomers, films and more. Intertek assess the quality and chemical, mechanical and thermal properties of Flexural Strength 2mm/min ISO 178 MPa 255 Charpy Impact Strength +23°C ISO 179/1eU kJ/m² 85 Charpy Notched Impact Strength +23°C ISO 179/1eA kJ/m² 12 THERMAL PROPERTIES Melting Temperature 10°C/min ISO 11357-1/-3 °C 220 FLAMMABILITY PROPERTIES Flammability 0,8mm UL 94 class HB Automotive Interior Flammability 3mm ISO 3795 mm/min 0 UL-registration in natural and a thickness more than 1.57 mm as UL 94 HB, temperature index UL 746 B electrical 105 °C, mechanical 90 °C (tensile impact) and 80 °C (tensile). Burning rate ISO 3795 and FMVSS 302 < 100 mm/min for a thickness more than 1 mm. Ranges of applications: For sliding combinations with high surface pressure and low sliding speed, only slight tendency to stick-slip.
18. Kristin Samuelsson, Läkare 94. Eva Bergström, Barnsjuksköterska. 95.
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UL 94 contains the following tests: 94HB, 94V, 94VTM, 94-5V, 94HBF, 94HF and Radiant Panel. The 94HB test describes the Horizontal Burn method. 2008-09-05 UL 94 (Underwriters Laboratories test standard UL 94) is one of the most widely used flammability tests for determining relative flammability for plastic materials.